If you are more comfortable sending WhatsApp text messages in incognito mode, you can do so on your Android device. People often want to hide their online status in order to maintain privacy. How to hide last seen status in whatsapp on android device You can select “My Contacts” if you want only your contacts to see your status, or “Everyone” if you want everyone to see your “Last Seen” status.
WhatsApp Last Seen Status allows users to see when other people were last online on the app and whether they are currently using the platform. How to Hide Last Seen Status on WhatsApp on iPhone This article will offer everything you need to know about this trick whether you are using WhatsApp on PC, iPhone or Android. If you have been looking for ways to hide your online status on WhatsApp, you have come to the right place. But a little trick that can help is turning off your WhatsApp online status. You show up online for your contacts just by opening a message, and this can give people the false impression that you’re available to chat every time you use the app.
Users are increasingly aware of how vulnerable their privacy is on WhatsApp.